Impact report
Tambopata-Bahuaja Biodiversity Reserve (REDD+)

Tambopata, Peru

Tambopata-Bahuaja Biodiversity Reserve (REDD+)

Tambopata-Bahuaja Biodiversity Reserve (REDD+)  | Tambopata, Peru
Tambopata-Bahuaja Biodiversity Reserve (REDD+)  | Tambopata, Peru
Tambopata-Bahuaja Biodiversity Reserve (REDD+)  | Tambopata, Peru
Tambopata-Bahuaja Biodiversity Reserve (REDD+)  | Tambopata, Peru
Tambopata-Bahuaja Biodiversity Reserve (REDD+)  | Tambopata, Peru
Tambopata-Bahuaja Biodiversity Reserve (REDD+)  | Tambopata, Peru

type of project


KG of CO2 mitigation


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This project conserves threatened tropical rainforest in an internationally recognised biodiversity hotspot of the Peruvian Amazon, providing habitat for a wide variety of rare and endangered wildlife.

Project highlights

  • 30 High Conservation Value species are protected including giant otter, blue-headed macaw and giant armadillo.
  • €2.9m has been contributed to local economy and 632 cacao production jobs have been created or supported by this project, with 15% being held by women.
  • 591,119 ha of forest has been protected and 4,000 ha of land restored to produce high value fine and aromatic cacao. Furthermore, 1 million trees have been planted.
  • The Tambopata-Bahuaja project is validated by the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS project ID 1067) and the Climate, Community, and Biodiversity Standard (CCB) to the gold level for both biodiversity and for climate change adaptation.


The project integrates conservation and sustainable economic development to protect 591,119 hectares forest (an area about the size of Los Angeles). By helping local farmers transition to sustainable cacao production in the margins of the protected area, degraded land is being restored to relieve deforestation pressures and provide local communities with forest-friendly and sustainable livelihoods.

This land is exposed to an array of land-use threats, such as illegal mining, logging, ‘slash and burn’ agriculture and infrastructure development. Large numbers of mostly small-scale mining companies use highly polluting technology that contaminates the area’s rivers and the local water supply, including waste poisoned with mercury.

The Tambopata-Bahuaja project addresses the drivers of deforestation by investing in commercially viable cacao agroforestry systems and using climate finance to reward forest monitoring and stewardship. By demonstrating a scalable model of environmentally and socially sustainable land use, the project creates a productive barrier against encroaching threats to the region’s natural and human capital. The avoided deforestation as a result of the Tambopata-Bahuaja project reduces global emissions by over 4.2 million tonnes of CO2 by 2021 — approximately equivalent to 453,000 homes’ energy use for a year

Offset registry

Verified Carbon Standard

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