Impact report
Solar lights distribution

Zambia, Western Provinces

Solar lights distribution

Solar lights distribution | Zambia, Western Provinces
Solar lights distribution | Zambia, Western Provinces
Solar lights distribution | Zambia, Western Provinces
Solar lights distribution | Zambia, Western Provinces
Solar lights distribution | Zambia, Western Provinces
Solar lights distribution | Zambia, Western Provinces

type of project


KG of CO2 mitigation


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Price per kg of CO₂ mitigation

This project delivers solar lights to Zambian families living without electricity. This gives them truly affordable, clean light for the first time and has life-changing impacts. Currently, these families rely on dim and sooty kerosene lamps for lighting.

Project highlights

  • The simplicity, quality, and affordability of the solar lights empower socio-economic development. Access to light in the darker hours enables children to have extra study hours, which supports higher grade attainment.
  • The traditional light sources have a negative impact on the air quality in homes and can cause respiratory illnesses. Clean lighting improves the air quality and the overall health of the families.
  • Commuting in the dark by foot or bike can lead to road accidents. Carrying or wearing the solar light makes for a safer trip.


The project replaces these polluting lamps with ultra-affordable solar lights. This exchange alleviates poverty, promotes education, and safeguards the health of families involved. Crucially, this substitution decreases dependency on fossil fuels, contributing to address climate change.

The lights are distributed to rural households across four provinces in Zambia, shown on the right. In Zambia, 90% of the rural population live below the international extreme poverty line. These families live on less than $1.25 per day. One of the many implications of this reality is energy poverty: lack of access to modern electricity. These families use outdated kerosene lamps or paraffin candles to light their homes. These are dim, low-quality, and dangerous sources of light. Fossil fuel lamps emit toxic fumes that cause respiratory illnesses, create fire risks, and contribute to climate change.

The lights enter rural markets at significantly subsidized prices, breaking the affordability barrier for solar lighting.

The lamps are multifunctional and portable. They can be used indoors as desk lamps or hung on the wall. They can be turned into headtorches perfect to walking, cycling, or commuting.

Offset registry

Gold Standard

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