Impact report
Anew-Doyon Native Community Forest Project

Alaska, US

Anew-Doyon Native Community Forest Project

Anew-Doyon Native Community Forest Project | Alaska, US
Anew-Doyon Native Community Forest Project | Alaska, US
Anew-Doyon Native Community Forest Project | Alaska, US
Anew-Doyon Native Community Forest Project | Alaska, US

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The project is owned by Native Alaskans who made it their mission to be leading innovators amongst Alaska’s Native Corporations and to promote the economic and social well-being of Alaska Natives by sustainably managing and preserving their forest land.

Project highlights

  • The project is sustainably managing and preserving up to 200,000 acres of forested lands.
  • The project area surrounds Healy Lake and helps to protect the Volkmar and South Fork Goodpaster rivers from erosion and runoff that would occur if the forest were heavily harvested.
  • The initiative encompasses a portion of the largest unimpacted boreal forest in the world; critical habitat for many Alaska species, including the Eskimo Curlew, an endangered bird that has not been spotted in over 55 years.


Doyon Native Community Forest Project is located on 172,737 acres of boreal forest across Alaska’s Yukon-Koyukuk and Southeast Fairbanks boroughs. It is part of a much larger land holding of 12.5 million acres received by Doyon, Limited under the terms of the Alaska Native Settlements Act (ANCSA). Historically, forests in the project region have been subject to mineral extraction and timbering activities for fuelwood and building material.

Carbon revenues will allow Doyon to enhance its environmental stewardship in the project area through improved forest maintenance measures such as cutting protective fire breaks around portions of the property prone to fire, increasing monitoring of the property for natural disasters and insect infestation, and ensuring long-term sustainable management through the development of a Forest Stewardship Plan.

The financial success of the carbon project will also serve to decrease economic pressures for Doyon, Limited to expand mining operations.

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