Impact report
Banks Peninsula Forever Forest

Banks Peninsula, Canterbury

Banks Peninsula Forever Forest

Banks Peninsula Forever Forest | Banks Peninsula, Canterbury
Banks Peninsula Forever Forest | Banks Peninsula, Canterbury
Banks Peninsula Forever Forest | Banks Peninsula, Canterbury
Banks Peninsula Forever Forest | Banks Peninsula, Canterbury
Banks Peninsula Forever Forest | Banks Peninsula, Canterbury

type of project


KG of CO2 mitigation


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The Banks Peninsula Forever Forests is a 190 ha property that has been retired from grazing and is being reverted to native forest.

Project highlights

  • Approximately 50 hectares of the property contains existing native forest areas
  • This will supply the seed source to enable future reversion to occur, alongside supplementary planting by the landowners.
  • Preserving this native forest improves the water quality of nearby rivers and coastal waters.


This ecological restoration has been supported by the local marae, Ōnuku Rūnanga, highlighting the importance of retiring this sensitive land.

Just like the neighbouring Hinewai reserve, natural regeneration will return this land to a vegetation cover similar to that before the forest clearance by human settlers. Hugh Wilson (Botanist & Manager of Hinewai reserve) has provided written support for this project, highlighting the success possible managed under a similar reversion strategy.

Offset registry

New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme

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