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Why being ICROA accredited matters to us

Here at CarbonClick, we're all about making carbon offsetting meaningful and effective. That's why we're thrilled to be ICROA accredited. But what exactly is ICROA, and why does it matter?

ICROA explained

ICROA stands for “International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance”. it's a programme that recognises best practices in carbon crediting. As ICORA describes it “For over a decade, ICROA has been a leading voice in the voluntary carbon market, providing quality assurance, and guidance on emissions reductions and high-quality carbon credit usage.”

Why ICROA matters

Carbon credits are a powerful tool to complement emission reduction efforts. But how do you know the climate projects behind the credits are real and truly making a difference? That's where ICROA comes in.

ICROA accredited companies, such as CarbonClick, commit to transacting and retiring carbon credits on behalf of a client based on the following principles:

  • Real
  • Additional
  • Measurable
  • Permanent 
  • Independently verified
  • Unique

Check out our 7-Point Impact Check to find out more about these principles and criteria. 

In addition, the accreditation recognises that: 

  • We only purchase credits from ICROA endorsed registries (indepently verified, measurable).
  • We support no forward purchases.
  • Any credits from government schemes are only used for local footprints.
  • We always provide links to the retirement certificates.
  • We always provide transparent and complete information around our projects and credit issuances.

Here's what ICROA means for you:

  • You can be confident that your carbon offsets are making a positive impact.
  • You're supporting a company that's held to the highest standards.
  • Together, we're helping to create a cooler planet for everyone.

We're proud to be ICROA accredited, and we're committed to continuing our leadership in the carbon offsetting market. By choosing CarbonClick, you can be sure you're doing your part to make a difference.

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