Go the extra mile
It was once universally understood that institutional investors’ main objective, and the investee company’s main obligation, was to maximise short term returns for shareholders, without regard for other factors like social and environmental impacts.
Now, with the rise of the ‘responsible investment’ movement, consideration of ESG is seen increasingly as part of a shareholder’s fiduciary duty, in both the US and EU markets. Forbes
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria are used by socially-conscious investors and shareholders to screen investments and assess a company’s impact on the world. They affect how your company will gather and retain funding from investment funds who have a ’socially responsible’ investment strategy.
ESG can also relate to:
If we think of the market as a formula one race, with profit representing how fast our car goes, then our ESG performance is how we conduct ourselves on the race track and what kind of car we’re driving.
To impress this segment of socially conscious investors, it’s necessary to maintain a high ESG rating by looking at how you’re conducting your business operations, not just how much money you’re making.
ESG criteria are separated into 3 main categories, or ‘pillars’: Environmental, Social and Governance.
Investopedia defines ESG criteria as the following:
Environmental criteria consider how a company performs as a steward of nature. This includes:
Social criteria examine how it manages relationships with employees, suppliers, customers and the communities where it operates. Themes include:
Governance criteria deal with a company’s leadership, executive pay, audits, internal controls and shareholder rights. This includes:
There are a number of financial benefits that correlate to companies that pursue a high ESG performance:
Additionally, KPMG reports some examples of long term benefits created by ESG activities. Source
Climate change has run-on effects on every sector of society and on every ESG theme, from the environment (disasters, resources scarcity), social (justice issues, inequality, refugees) and business governance (decision making regarding risks, insurability, stranded assets, volatility in markets).
Doesn’t sound good, does it? Luckily there is something your business can do.
CarbonClick is the world’s easiest way to buy carbon credits, enabling your customers to reverse climate change with a single click.
With CarbonClick your customers can offset the climate impact of their purchases at your checkout by clicking our offset button, which instantly buys them internationally recognized, high quality carbon credits.
Our simple technology integrates with your existing eCommerce systems and we completely manage the offset programmes, leaving you time focus on running your business.
Earning social license to operate and reducing your environmental burden is made easy with CarbonClick
What is ESG and why is it important? was originally published in CarbonClick on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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