Go the extra mile
13 November 2023
Changi Airport Group (CAG) has launched Changi Carbon Offsets, giving passengers a convenient option to offset the carbon emissions from their air travel, regardless of the airline that they are travelling with.
With the aid of an intuitive carbon calculator on the Changi Airport website (https://carbonoffsets.changiairport.com) and Changi App, passengers can calculate the carbon emissions from their forthcoming flights based on the origin, destination and class of travel. Thereafter, they will be offered the option to offset the emissions from their journey using their credit card for payment.
CAG has selected a set of high-quality carbon offset projects, which would have a significant impact on the environment and communities. This was done in partnership with Carbon Clicks, a New Zealand-based carbon offset company. These selected projects will help to conserve and protect existing forests in Indonesia, plant forests in China, as well as provide wind power generation in India. See details of the selected projects in the Annex below.
The launch of Changi Carbon Offsets is the latest initiative that CAG is taking along its sustainability journey to help mitigate carbon emissions. CAG also works closely with the airport community to improve the energy efficiency of the airport’s buildings and operations, enhance waste management and recycling, conserve water resources and ensure that airport facilities and functions adapt to the impact of climate change.
Ms Audrey Lee, Group Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Sustainability, said “Changi Carbon Offsets offers our passengers the opportunity to offset carbon emissions from their flights, by supporting internationally-verified projects which will benefit the environment. As a demonstration of CAG’s commitment towards lower-emissions air travel, CAG will be purchasing carbon offsets for all business travel by CAG staff going forward.”
The Changi Carbon Offets programme supports high-quality carbon offset projects in Indonesia, China and India.
Rimba Raya, an area approximately the size of Singapore, in Central Kalimantan is a peat swamp forest. The peatlands in this forest store more than twice as much carbon as other types of forest. This forest is also home to the last remaining wild populations of orangutans.
Through the purchase of Carbon Offsets, the funds will enable:
In Guizhou, desertification and soil loss threaten the livelihood of rural communities. This project aims to plant native trees on 39,000 hectares of barren land, to increase biodiversity, reduce soil erosion and improve water conservation.
Through the purchase of Carbon Offsets, the funds will enable:
In Koppal, the region is originally powered by coal, diesel, furnace oil and gas power stations, which has a negative impact on air quality and public health.
Through the purchase of Carbon Offsets, the funds will enable:
Article published by Airports Council International
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